Wednesday, April 20, 2011


There were nights where we got scolded.....There were even nights where we were down right silly....
There were the sassy nights
But most of all we are just ecstatic!!!

With the report that we finished reading the whole Book of Mormon as a family..... and it only took us two years!!! Wonder why it would take so long.... refer to pictures above! We let the kiddos pick what set of scriptures they would like to read next..... Their response, the OLD TESTAMENT! Watch for our next scriptural accomplishment in 20 years!! :)

Really and truly, the kids did great and I cannot say how awesome it has been to have completed this goal as a family. It was not always easy and we did miss some nights here and there, but I can honestly say that we did it! Some night we only made it through a few verses, other nights we would make it through a chapter (WHOA, I KNOW!).

I will cherish reading scriptures while the kids are young. They may not understand all the vocabulary or even be reverent and good listeners for too long of a time, but we started when stinker #3 was a itty bitty baby and now she is the one that goes and gets the scriptures to read immediately after Family Prayer. Stinker #1 and #2 take their turns and just make up words to their "scriptures" and they almost always begin with "And it came to pass". LOL LOVE IT!!

Then there are the moments when you know that they are catching what this evening time habit is all about. The time that Stinker #1 tells me that when we read the Book of Mormon it feels like someone is kissing her heart. Or when Stinker #1 and #2 create a fort by the hubby and my bed for a place where they can go think and pray like Enos. Or when Stinker #2 tells me while reading the chapter in 3rd Nephi (Jesus blesses the little children) that that will be him someday with a big smile on his face. It humbles me and makes me think how I need to be more like them. The scriptures are not just stories or historical documentary. They are meant to be felt in our hearts.

Now I guess I need to find it within myself to get a sincere excitement about tackling the Old Testament. I was truly hoping that the monkeys were to choose the New Testament.... Guess not! Old Testament starts tonight!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Baby #4 is......... & Arizona Home Sweet Home

Think blue, think blue, blue, blue, blue! Lakko Baby el numeral 4 is a boy!! As Stinker #2 put it today while she sat in the ultrasound room looking at the screen... "We are forming a pattern, mom!" Girl, boy, girl, and now a boy! I guess it is a pattern and Stinker #2 is oh so happy to have a brother on the way! The best part is that my hubby was able to be in town to witness the discovery of the... well you know what it is! :) I am sorry about the missing ultrasound pictures, but I hate my scanner so the picture of the blue will have to do for now.

Some of the other funny things that happened.... well stinker #1 went with us to the ultrasound. She claims it looks like a dinosaur because of its skeleton and that we should name the baby Long Neckie. Well I do not think that is going to happen. Unfortunately, won't even make the list! My personal favorite, close behind her comments about every piece of ugly art work on the doctor's office walls, is when she says "Mom, you don't cough up your babies do you?" I reply, "No, sweetie that is not how it happens." She then thoughtfully says "Yeah, thats pretty gross how it happens, but all babies are lucky to get out of there to breathe." So I ask, "How do you think the baby comes out?" Her response with her head roll, eye roll combination.... "you poop them out. Don't worry I won't tell anyone." Hahaha never ever a dull moment. I did tell her a very edited version of how it happens.

Onward and forward to another topic.... Arizona house hunting. What an adventure. I must admit how incredible it was to spend some alone time with just the hubby. Seriously, we went hot tubbing every night, walked around stores that we never get to walk around, and of course saw sooooo many houses and finally found one to make an offer on at the very end of the trip. Here are a couple of pictures of the joint.....
Swimming pool. Seriously, just come and float. There is a BBQ at the one end of the pool. I am envisioning the perfect vision, the hubby grilling me my favorite brats and pineapple burgers. While I put a potato salad that I purchased earlier at the grocery store in a pretty bowl and set in the fridge like it has been there all day after my long hours of slaving over it. (shush now, I know there are more of you who do the same thing....) The best part of this vision, it is quite possible that this can happen 365 days a year!! Woohoo for Arizona!

Here is picture of the house from the outside. Lovely is it not? Now for the part that is not so perfect... it is a short sale. The seller accepted our offer and now we have to wait to hear back from the bank. I am really hoping and praying that it goes quickly and in our favor. I am trying not to make plans for this house until we know for sure, for sure, but it is hard.... well, because I am a planner.... It is ending up as an ongoing conversation with myself "Brain, please stop. We don't know if this our home yet. Stop. Brain. Stop."

All will be well, no matter what. I truly feel like I have everything that I really need with my awesome husband and incredible kids and I have to admit that THAT is the best feeling in the world!