Saturday, November 27, 2010

I have never shopped Black Friday before.... until this year. All I can say is WOW! Personally, I have never got real kicks and giggles out of shopping. Perhaps this comes with the territory of being the little sister growing up and receiving all the hand me downs making no need to shop. Now I am all grown up the ads enticed me into the stores and wow people are crazy! I have never seen cars save parking spaces for other cars until Black Friday. There was a gentleman who parked a cart by one of the speedy registers with some items in it like q tips pretending to be in line (who buys q tips on black friday??) while his wife shopped, then when she was done she put her things in the cart and the husband quit letting people go ahead of him. THAT IS LINE CHEATING!! Then the most crazy was the gal who was peeling the price tag off the $35 bike and trying to make it stick to the bike that was on sale for $39. Seriously, it's $4!!! Last one I promise, one NICE lady that I started to talk to as we were both traffic jammed in behind everyone else.... she had her kids spread throughout the store in pre planned stations to ensure that they got everything that they want. That is how it is done I guess. She asked to see my list and let me know "Honey there ain't no way you are going to get all of this stuff on your own." Then, she called one her daughters and told the sizes of the PJs that I wanted. She then let me know that I could pick them up where she would camp out until 5 am!!! It was midnight at this time.... 5 hours just waiting for the electronics to go on sale. Craziness!! I thanked her for her help and kindness. Her last piece of advice "Honey, manners are not going to get you anywhere on Black Friday!" Maybe I am not cut out for the Black Friday business, but somehow the universe was aligned and I was able to get just what I needed minus How To Train Your Dragon....with good manners. Lessons learned on my first Black Friday #1 people are crazy and #2 plan ahead or get run over. Will I go again next year.... I am undecided. It was kind of fun and interesting watching the fellow Black Friday -ers :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love that you are back! What a cute family picture. I loved the Christmas letter! I am so glad to be on that list!
